Browse Items (32 total)

Worshipful Master's chair at Rosenau Castle, Austrian Museum of Freemasonry

The book of the sacred law grenvillelodge_org.jpg
An altar with the "Volume of the Sacred Law", the "three lights" and a square and compass.

418px-FestgabenFestgaben dargebracht von den Brüdern der Loge zur aufgehenden Morgenröthe im Orient zu Frankfurt aM zur Feier ihres 25jährigen Jubiläums 1833.jpg
Published by the Loge zur aufgehenden Morgenröthe for their 25 year jubilee

Steps of freemasonry.jpg
Poster depicting the different levels of the three main rites in Freemasonry

Part of the "Betrachtung der Ringe" showing the Jew

Title page and Frontispiece of "The constitutions of the free-masons "

masonry-apron G Washington sketch.gif
A sketch of the apron apparently worn by George Washington himself

Part of the "Die Betrachtung der Ringe" showing the Protestant Priest

Portrait of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing by Anna Rosina de Gasc, 1767/1768

Pastor’s official robe of the early 19th century in Germany
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